SPP: Free Community Dinner and Information Session

3 août 2007 | معتمد Resistance

    No Security without Justice! No Prosperity without Dignity.


A community discussion focused on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of
North America (SPP) & the potential effects on our communities from Montreal’s
Côte-des-Neiges district & beyond…

    MONDAY, AUGUST 13th, 5:30pm
    5347 Côte-des-Neiges, 2nd floor
    Centre communautaire de la Côte-des-Neiges,
    metro Côte-des-Neiges

Including the screening of ‘New World Border’, a film examining the rise of human-rights abuses along with U.S.-Mexico border since the implementation of border walls – such as ‘Operation Gatekeeper’ – that have been erected in populated areas throughout the border regions in the last decade…

Featured Presentations from:

* MANDEEP DHILLON, No One is Illegal Montreal.
* JOEY CALUGAY, Immigrant Workers Center.
* RACHEL HEAP-LALONDE, Health-care activist.
* ÉMILIE BRETON, Block the Empire.
* Tadamon! Montreal.

Join us for a dinner and information session on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), an agreement that will be discussed at an upcoming summit between the ‘leaders’ of North America, U.S. President George Bush, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and Mexican President Phillipe Calderon. This upcoming summit on the SPP is taking place just an hour outside of Montréal in Montebello Quebec on August 20th-21st.

The SPP is an agreement that is to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), ‘national security’ programs and national immigration control increasing border ‘security’ while forcing serious restrictions on free movement of people…

This information session will examine how the SPP will detrimentally effect our daily lives in Côte-des-Neiges; in our hospitals, workplaces, schools and beyond. This event will also address how the SPP affects racialized or marginalized communities, especially migrant or refugee communities, with ever growing institutional accusations surrounding ‘national security’.

This community event is organized by Immigrant Workers Centre, No One Is Illegal & Tadamon! Montreal.

* For more Information Contact the Immigrant Workers Center (IWC):
tel: 514 342 2111 email: iwc_cti[at]yahoo.com

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