Bulletin Tadamon!

Australia: Churches back Israel boycott

11 août 2010 | Posté dans Boycott, Palestine, Politique
    Green Left by Raul Connolly, Sunday, August 8, 2010


Photo Palestinian clears rubble from building destroyed in Israeli air-strike in Gaza

A growing number of unions across Australia have backed the international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign targeting Israel. The campaign demands that Israel ends its apartheid-like policies towards Palestinians.

The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) said in a July 20 statement that it would “continue to add its voice to the call for an end to Israel’s occupation of Palestine and condemning all acts of terrorism”.

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Gaza aid waste

10 août 2010 | Posté dans Labor, Palestine
    August 7th, 2010 Al Jazeera by Nicole Johnston


    Photo Palestinian worker at stone quarry in an increasingly barren Gaza.

As you approach Gaza’s main dump by road you see a massive wall of trash looming over the plain.

It’s crawling with around one hundred scavenger dogs and dozens of poor children, combing through the trash for anything they can sell.

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Words without Borders “dialogue” violates Palestinian boycott call

10 août 2010 | Posté dans Boycott, Culture, Palestine
    Haidar Eid, Electronic Intifada 9 August 2010


Photo Khaleel Reash Words without Borders initiative does not explicitly oppose the many borders that exist for Palestinians under occupation.

An initiative recently launched by the prestigious online literature magazine Words without Borders entitled “Cross-Cultural-Dialogues in the Middle East,” rings alarm bells in light of the Palestinian civil society call for boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel.

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Gaza: An Open Letter to Chick Corea

9 août 2010 | Posté dans Boycott, Culture, Palestine

Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel, August 2010


Photo Hatem Omar Students search newspapers for their exam results, Gaza Strip.

We are a group of students from Gaza, and our only fault is being Palestinians. For that, Mr. Corea, we are imprisoned with our families and loved ones in what major Human Rights Organizations call the largest open air prison in modern history. The state you are planning to entertain, committed a process of ethnic cleansing against the indigenous people in 1948. And now it is engaged in, what the Israeli academic Ilan Pappe calls, “slow motion genocide” against the 1.5 million population of Gaza.

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Uribe’s appointment to flotilla probe guarantees its failure

9 août 2010 | Posté dans Palestine, Répression, Solidarité
    José Antonio Gutiérrez and David Landy, Electronic Intifada, 6 August 2010


    Photo Upside Down World Yankees get out of Colombia and the World

At the beginning of this month the Israeli government announced it would cooperate with one out of two international UN-sponsored investigation commissions into the 31 May Gaza Freedom Flotilla massacre, a move which UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon claimed was “unprecedented.” However, the details of this commission and who will take part in it — particularly the notorious outgoing president of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe Vélez — cast doubt over its impartiality.

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Lebanon: FuturePipe Workers, fighting for their right to work

8 août 2010 | Posté dans Beirut, Lebanon, Palestine
    open sit-in by FuturePipe Workers in Akkar, North Lebanon


    Photo Farah Koubaissy Half of Lebanese population lives with two dollars.

Since the 12th of July 2010, workers of the FuturePipe Factory in North Lebanon have been holding an open sit-in protesting against the closure of the factory. The management of the factory had stated that the reason behind closure is due to significant losses.

Yet the workers clearly indicate that the factory is not making any losses. It is actually generating substantial profit. Only about a month ago, the owners of the factory bought new equipment at a cost of more than a million US dollars. They also opened branches in different Arab countries.

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“Gaza is a man-made crisis”

7 août 2010 | Posté dans Culture, Économie, Égypte, Palestine, Répression
    Report, IRIN 5 August 2010


Photo IRIN Suhair Karam: The UN agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) says 222,000 children are enrolled in its schools in Gaza.

Gaza City, occupied Gaza Strip (IRIN) – The quality of life, the economy and food security for Palestinians living in Gaza have been severely impaired by Israel’s strict four-year blockade, according to the UN.

Israel says its closure regime is designed to protect Israeli citizens from attacks by militants in Gaza. Hamas, the ruling group in Gaza, says Israel’s blockade is aimed at undermining its rule.

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Al-Quds University flouts own academic boycott

7 août 2010 | Posté dans Boycott, Palestine
    Jillian Kestler-D’Amours, Electronic Intifada, 6 August 2010


    Photo Graffiti at Al-Quds University in Palestine.

Al-Quds University is maintaining a joint Israeli-Palestinian master’s degree program with Haifa, Hebrew and Tel Aviv universities, despite a decision taken by its own University Council in February 2009 to distance itself from Israeli academic institutions.

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Gaza : le siège interminable

7 août 2010 | Posté dans Boycott, Économie, Palestine
    Haidar Eid, Al-Shabaka, août 2010. Traduction: JPP


Photo Matthew Cassel Est-ce que la bande de Gaza aujourd’hui ressemble à l’Afrique du Sud sous l’apartheid?

Le mouvement national palestinien n’a pas pris en compte cette question : la bande de Gaza ressemble-t-elle aux bantoustans racistes de l’apartheid d’Afrique du Sud ? Durant cet apartheid, la population noire d’Afrique du Sud est restée isolée et privée de ses droits politiques et civiques. Est-la même chose à Gaza ? La réponse est oui, et non.

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Déclaration de solidarité de Tadamon! Avec Al Adab Magazine

6 août 2010 | Posté dans Beirut, Culture, Impérialisme, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine
    Août 2010, Montréal, Québec


    Photo des immeubles de Beyrouth en avion au-dessus de la Méditerranée.

Le collectif Tadamon aimerait exprimer son entière solidarité avec M Samah Idriss, éditeur d’Al Adab (« littérature ») Magazine.

Au sujet de Al Adab

Depuis sa création en 1953, cet important magazine de culture Arabe a joué un rôle clé dans l’encouragement de la pensée progressiste et de la création d’espace de débat dans le monde arabe.

Publié à Beyrouth, capitale libanaise, le magazine Al Adab est devenu un point central favorisant la réflexion critique sur les mouvements démocratiques locaux, mais aussi un espace où les militants peuvent dénoncer aussi bien la colonisation que la dictature à travers tout le Moyen-Orient.

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Événements à venir
