كل المرسل لاجل novembre 2010

Spanish Authorities Refuse to Grant Avi Dichter Immunity

2 novembre 2010 | معتمد Palestine
    Palestinian Center for Human Rights – PCHR Sunday, 31 October 2010


    Photo Kent Klich Palestinian home riddled with Israeli made bullet holes.

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) notes that the Spanish authorities refused to provide Avi Dichter, former Director of the Israeli General Security Services, with requested immunity prior to a planned visit to Spain. Mr. Dichter is currently the subject of a criminal lawsuit before the Spanish Courts in relation to his role in the Al Daraj assassination of July 22, 2002.

PCHR applaud this move, noting a welcome return to the rule of law. Spain, along with all other High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, is subject to a legal obligation to search for and prosecute all those suspected of committing grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions.


Israel is proud to present: The aggressor-victim

2 novembre 2010 | معتمد Palestine
    Haaretz 31.10.10 by Gideon Levy


    Photo Kent Klich Bullet holes mark wall in Palestinian home in Gaza.

Once upon a time the staple piece of clothing was the blue shirt of the Labor Movement, and songwriter Mordechai Zeira sang about it: “And it’s much better than all jewels.” A new generation has arrived, and its shirt is darker. Today it’s black and bears the legend: We are all the victims of Goldstone.

Dozens of friends of the two Givati Brigade soldiers arrived wearing these infuriating shirts at a military court a few days ago. Their friends had been convicted of overextending their authority while risking the life of an 11-year-old, and to be precise, of conduct unbecoming of soldiers. The soldiers received the scandalous support of senior officers, and the two convicted men have become heroes.


Palestine: Weekly Demonstrations

1 novembre 2010 | معتمد Politics, Palestine
    29 October, 2010 | International Solidarity Movement


Photo Israeli soldiers moving to repress popular demonstrations in occupied Palestine.

Many shebab (youth), two journalists and a girl were injured on Friday at the weekly demonstration in An Nabi Saleh. Villagers had employed a new strategy in response to the increasing violence of soldiers and border police.

Demonstrators split up and approached the road from the two opposite hills divided by the valley. The side with most of the shebab was blocked with massive amounts of teargas and attacked by border police. From the other side, most of the internationals, women, and children entered the road and continued the demonstration.


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