Tous les posts dans la catégorie 'Guerre et terrorisme'

Beirut reiterates rejection of bilateral talks over Shebaa

    Daily Star. Thursday, June 19, 2008


    Photo: Lebanese children flee Israel’s bombing of south Lebanon in 2006.

The Lebanese government on Wednesday rejected Israel’s call for direct peace negotiations.

“Lebanon’s position is clear to all and there is no place for bilateral negotiations between Lebanon and Israel,” Premier Fouad Siniora’s media office said in a statement late Wednesday. The statement stressed that Lebanese territories occupied by the Jewish state are subject to “UN resolutions that do not require any negotiations.

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La flambée des prix alimentaires aggrave la situation des Palestiniens

    La Presse. Jooneed Khan.


    Photo: la bande de Gaza.

Les Palestiniens, qui subissent les privations quotidiennes dues au siège de l’armée israélienne, sont très durement frappés par la flambée des prix des aliments, qu’ils doivent importer en grande partie.

C’est ce qu’a indiqué le syndicaliste Manawell Abdul-Al, dirigeant de la Fédération générale des syndicats palestiniens (FGSP), hier à La Presse.

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UN clears cluster bombs from areas of south Lebanon

    June 2008: AFP.


    Photo: View from car window in South Lebanon after 2006 Israeli bombing.

Tyre, Lebanon (AFP): Almost half of the areas in southern Lebanon contaminated with cluster bombs dropped by Israel in 2006 have been cleared, a UN official said on Wednesday.

“Forty three percent of the areas affected by the cluster bombs dropped during the July 2006 war have been cleared”, UN Mine Action Coordination Centre for South Lebanon spokeswoman Dalya Farran said.

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L’ASSÉ prend position contre l’apartheid israélien

Un appel à appuyer la première association étudiante nationale au Québec et au Canada à se joindre à la campagne internationale de boycott, de désinvestissement et de sanctions contre Israël…


Montréal, mai 2008. À travers le monde, les mouvements populaires luttant contre l’apartheid israélien marquent actuellement le 60ème anniversaire de la Nakba («catastrophe») palestinienne, c’est-à-dire les 60 ans de dépossession, de nettoyage ethnique et d’exil forcé pour les Palestiniennes et Palestiniens suite à la création de l’État d’Israël en 1948.

La réponse populaire contre l’apartheid israélien prend actuellement de l’ampleur au niveau mondial, suite à la publication d’un appel lancé en 2005 par des organismes de la société civile palestinienne pour la mise en branle d’une campagne internationale de boycott, de désinvestissement et de sanctions contre le gouvernement israélien. Cette campagne suit l’exemple d’une campagne semblable qui a joué un grand rôle dans la chute du régime d’apartheid en Afrique du Sud.

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Canada must reject cluster bomb by Raja G. Khouri. May 19th, 2008.


Photo: Lebanese woman admits Israeli military destruction in south Lebanon 2006.

A cluster bomb dropped on Centre Block on Parliament Hill could also reach in its spread the East Block, Senate, Supreme Court, Sparks Street pedestrian mall, Ottawa Visitors Center, and parts of the Wellington and Metcalfe thoroughfares. Such is the range, and randomness, of the weapon.

Made up of hundreds of “bomblets” that scatter when a bomb is dropped, cluster bombs not only kill and injure civilians during attacks, but “continue to take life, limb and land from them long after the conflict has ended,” according to the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC), a network of over 250 non-government organizations in 70 countries, including Canada, that is calling for a complete end to the use of these weapons.

Such is the case in south Lebanon since the summer war of 2006. The UN estimated that of around four million cluster bomblets dropped by Israel during its war with Hezbollah, up to one million remained unexploded, “contaminating fields, schools, rivers and homes.” These have led to the death or maiming of nearly 200 civilians since the conclusion of the conflict.

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Lebanon: Currents of Conflict

    Broadcasts from Beirut II: An interview with Bilal Elamine.


    Photo: Al-Akbar, youth protests in Beirut.

A Tadamon! interview project aiming to highlight progressive voices from the ground in Lebanon on the ongoing conflict, voices independent from major political parties…

Conflict in Lebanon has spread this past week beyond Beirut, to mountain areas above the capital city, to Tripoli in Northern Lebanon. Throughout Lebanon a tense political stand-off remains between the U.S.-backed government lead-by Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and a political opposition fronted by the armed Lebanese political party Hezbollah.

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Lebanon: Political, sectarian crisis entrenched

    Beirut, 12 May 2008. IRIN Middle East.


    Photo: Al-Akbar.

Hezbollah and its allies may have achieved a swift military victory in Beirut and the Druze mountains, but the political battle for Lebanon will be tougher and the consequences long-term, say analysts.

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Québec : Étudiants et étudiantes contre l’apartheid israélien

    Aux associations étudiantes et mouvements sociaux du Québec.


    L’Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ): Déclaration.

Montréal, mai 2008: L’Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (ASSÉ) a adopté lors de son Congrès des 26 et 27 avril dernier une résolution pour appuyer la campagne de boycott, sanctions et désinvestissement contre l’apartheid israélien. Cette prise de position est l’aboutissement du travail de consultation et d’information mené depuis octobre 2007 en collaboration avec le collectif Tadamon! L’ASSÉ invite l’ensemble des acteurs sociaux à soutenir cette campagne lancée par 170 organisations de la société civile palestinienne.

Lebanon: Beirut in Crisis

    Broadcasts from Beirut I: Interview with activist and publisher Samah Idriss.


    Photo: Lebanese gunman in Beirut.

Lebanon is currently facing a major political crisis, as armed battles have erupted in multiple districts in Beirut, battles between pro-government forces and the political opposition backed by the Lebanese movement Hezbollah. Currently the Lebanese capital is divided, as opposition forces maintain a hold in West Beirut, having handed control in certain districts to the Lebanese Army, while the western-backed Lebanese government remains in lock down within government buildings.

Today Lebanon’s government has maintained a contested hold on official state power in Lebanon without representation from Hezbollah or other opposition parties for over one year. This week the government announced that Hezbollah’s independent communications network or telephone system operating in Lebanon as illegal, sparking the current crisis. Hezbollah’s independent telephone or communications system is considered to be a critical element to the success of the Lebanese resistance to Israel in successfully halting Israel’s 2006 attack on Lebanon.

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Palestine: A strangled people

    Bold claims about Middle East peace from
    London ring hollow in the empty streets of Gaza.


    Sami Abdel-Shafi, Gaza City, the Guardian. Saturday May 3 2008

It is a strange feeling: after working as a productive professional in Gaza for five years, I have become a black market junkie. I make several phone calls a day hunting for fuel for my car, diesel for the electricity generator waiting on standby to power the house, even cigarettes and vitamins. The only way to get hold of these things, to buy life-saving medicines, to purchase the essentials for a life of basic dignity, is through the black market, if at all. Today all Gaza suffers severe water shortages, with the fuel needed to pump and transport water (as well as sewage) dangerously scarce. The few cars seen on Gaza’s mostly empty streets today almost invariably run on used cooking oil due to the lack of diesel.

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Événements à venir
