Lebanon: An Open Country for Civil Resistance

9 août 2006 | معتمد Resistance, Solidarity, War and Terror

Civilian Resistance: Call For Action & Solidarity For Lebanon
From : Civilian Resistance in Lebanon – lebanonsolidarity.org

We, the people of Lebanon, call upon the local and international community to join a campaign of civil resistance to Israel’s war against our country and our people. We declare Lebanon an open country for civil resistance.

In the face of Israel’s systematic killing of our people, the indiscriminate bombing of our towns, the scorching of our villages, and the attempted destruction of our civil infrastructure, we say NO!

In the face of the forced expulsion of a quarter of our population from their homes throughout Lebanon, and the complicity of governments and international bodies, we re-affirm the acts of civil resistance that began from the first day of the Israeli assault, and we stress and add the urgent need TO ACT!

We urge you to join us in defying Israel’s aggression against our country and in defending the rights of the inhabitants throughout Lebanon, and particularly in the South, to live on their land. When the United Nations, created to preserve peace and security in the world, is paralyzed; when governments become complicit in war crimes, then people must show their strength and rise up. When justice and human rights are scorned, those who care must unite in their defense.

Building on our belief in our country, the efforts of the civil resistance, and on the arrival of the internationals coming to Lebanon for solidarity, we declare that Lebanon is an open country for civil resistance, starting from August 12.

On August 12 at 7 am, we will gather in Martyrs’ Square to form a civilian convoy to the south of Lebanon. Hundreds of Lebanese and international civilians will carry relief as an expression of solidarity for the inhabitants of the heavily destroyed south who have been bravely withstanding the assault of the Israeli military.

After August 12th, the campaign will continue with a series of civil actions for which your presence and participation is needed. Working together in solidarity we will overcome the complacency, inaction, and complicity of the international community and we will deny Israel its goal of removing Lebanese from their land and destroying the fabric of our country.

To sign up to join the convoy, send us an email through our contact page or contact one of the following:

Rasha Salti
email: rasalti@aol.com
phone: 03 970855

Rania Masri
email: rania.masri@balamand.edu.lb
phone: 03 135279
phone: 06 930250 x 5683 or x 3933

If you are outside Lebanon and want to sign up and join the convoy, you should know:

1) You need to obtain a visa for Lebanon and for Syria if your plan is to enter Lebanon from Syria.

2) We don’t have the funds to cover you for the cost of your travel, however, we can help you with finding accommodation.

For questions and help for all internationals please contact Adam Shapiro at: internationals@lebanonsolidarity.org

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