Bolivarian Society of Quebec: Lebanon Solidarity Statement.

29 août 2006 | Posté dans Politique

Official statement of the Bolivarian Society of Quebec [SBQ] for Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan.

The Bolivarian Society of Quebec (SBQ) publicly manifests its support and its solidarity towards all the Lebanese people in this moment of hardship and strife.

The external aggression that Lebanon is suffering violates principles stated by article 2 of the United Nations Charter, particularly withregards to national sovereignty respect and non-intervention in State’s internal affairs.

This aggression is occuring on an international level where similar actions are being reproduced thus increasing the victims death toll, especially in civilian populations including children, women, the elderly and the disabled.

Thus, the Bolivarian Society of Quebec (SBQ) cannot help but extend its solidarity to the people that are currently victims of violations of their fundamental rights. This is precisely the case with the Palestinian people who’s right to a free and independent State proclaimed by the United Nations, in its resolution 181 in November 1947, has never been fulfilled.

Our solidarity also extends to the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan who are living in the aftermath of conflicts they did not provoke.

Reaffirming its faith in peace and in the respect in international laws intended to ensure the happiness and justuce of all peoples, the SBQ reiterates its indivisible support to the aspirations of peace and justices of the peoples of Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.

As would say our glorious liberator of the south, Simón Bolivar: “Heaven is generous with those who struggle for justice and severe with the oppressors.”

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