Tous les posts pour octobre 2009

Obama must match rhetoric with principle

15 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Impérialisme, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Politique
    George Bisharat, San Francisco Chronicle October 1st, 2009.


    Photo: US President Barack Obama.

US President Barack Obama has placed restoration of the stature of the United States among his primary foreign policy goals. He has already achieved substantial progress in Europe, where polls indicate that he is widely admired. The president’s June Cairo University speech also won praise in the Arab and Muslim worlds. Yet many across the globe still await the substantive policy changes implied by his inspiring words.

President Obama can solidify broader global respect by supporting the recommendations of the just-released Goldstone report in the United Nations Human Rights Council. Richard Goldstone, an eminent South African jurist, led a mission to investigate allegations of war crimes in Gaza last winter.

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Egypt media group agrees on Israel boycott

13 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Égypte, Palestine
    Haaretz 28/09/2009


    Photo: Public train passing in Cairo, Egypt.

The London-based Arabic-language daily A Sharq al Awsat reported Monday that the board of directors of the powerful Egyptian media group Al-Ahram had decided to boycott Israel and Israelis of all positions.

The Al-Ahram group is considered the most powerful media body in Egypt. Al-Ahram publishes newspapers considered to be the official mouthpiece of the Egyptian government.

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Jerusalem Palestinians defining their own future

10 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Palestine

Jerrold Kessel and Pierre Klochendler, Inter Press Service, 29 September 2009.


    Photo: Palestinians walking in East Jerusalem.

Almost a year ago a barely noticed event took place in Sawarha, a Palestinian neighborhood in the Israeli-occupied part of the city.

On that November day, Israeli Jerusalemites were voting in a new mayor and a new city council.

On that same day, in this neighborhood home to 25,000, people were ignoring the Israeli-run elections. Instead, they were focused on electing their own local council.

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An open letter from Palestine’s human rights community

9 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Palestine, Politique
    To: The Member States of the United Nations General Assembly:


Photo: Tahrir, 17; Ikram, 15; Samar, 12; Dina eight; and Jawaher, four, killed by Israel.

Upon the culmination of the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Palestinian human rights community would like to take the opportunity to raise its collective voice in reasserting the significance of the role of the UN in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) and to call upon the General Assembly in particular to take a more proactive role in ensuring a just resolution to the conflict.

Despite few conflicts having received as much international attention as that between Israel and the Palestinians, hopes for peace have been repeatedly dashed in the light of Israel’s refusal to end 42 years of military occupation. Israel’s ongoing denial of Palestinian rights and political freedoms, including the basic right of Palestinians to self-determination continues unabated.

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Artistes Anti Apartheid X

3 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Culture, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Quebec
    dans le cadre du Forum social québécois


    SAMEDI, 10 OCTOBRE 20h00
    don suggéré : 5-10$
    Cégep du Vieux Montréal
    255 rue Ontario est
    salle 4.82 A
    métro Berri-UQAM

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Désobéissance civile des Palestiniens

2 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Palestine, Prisoniers
    Dissident Voice par Neve Gordon / 28 septembre 2009


Photo: ActiveStills. Anarchiste israélien Kobi Snitz dans une prison israéliennne.

En 1846, Henry David Thoreau passait une nuit en prison parce qu’il avait refusé de payer ses impôts. C’était sa façon de protester contre la guerre de conquête qui était menée au Mexique ainsi que contre l’esclavagisme. Quelques années plus tard, il publiait un essai intitulé : “Désobéissance civile”, qui a, depuis, été lu par des millions de personnes, parmi lesquelles des Palestiniens et des Israéliens.

Kobi Snitz a lu le livre. C’est un anarchiste israélien qui purge actuellement une peine de prison de 20 jours pour avoir refusé de payer une amende de 2000 shekels.

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CAUT calls on Minister Goodyear to resign

1 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Palestine, Politique
    Canadian Association of University Teachers CAUT September 28, 2009.


    Photo: Antoine Rouleau, satellites to the world in Montreal, Quebec.

(Ottawa, September 28, 2009) Minister Gary Goodyear’s office threatened to withhold federal budget funding for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) over its decision to fund a controversial academic conference, according to an email obtained by CAUT through Access to Information.

CAUT first learned in June that Minister Goodyear had telephoned SSHRC president Chad Gaffield to insist on reconsideration of a peer-reviewed decision to fund an academic conference called “Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace” held at York University later that month.

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Gaza: Letter to Obama from Dr. El Sarraj

1 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Palestine
    September 23, 2009. Dear President Obama.


    Photo: Zoriah (c) Destroyed Palestinian building in Gaza Strip.

Our wounds in Gaza are still open, our justice still denied. Israel’s 23 day offensive (28 December 2008- 19 January 2009) has left our children afraid to return to school, and feeling unsafe in their beds. The war, and the continued closure of the Gaza Strip, has undermined the capacity of mothers and fathers to act as protectors and providers. As a community, we will struggle for decades to live with the consequences.

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Militantes et combattantes

1 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Canada, Culture, Égypte, Lebanon, Palestine
    Femmes arabes dans la résistance | Regards palestiniens 5e édition


    21 au 30 octobre 2009
    Cinémathèque québécoise
    335, boul. de Maisonneuve est

    Métro Berri-UQAM
    tarifs: 7$ | 6$ pour étudiants et aînés
    4$ enfants 6-15 ans

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Author Rawi Hage Speaks

1 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Beirut, Canada, Culture, Lebanon, Quebec
    Interview with Rawi Hage, by Rima Hammoudi.


    Photo: Tanya Traboulsi Sky over sea, Beirut, Lebanon.

As we made ourselves comfortable on a terrace at a nearby café, Rawi Hage began scanning the neighboring tables for an ashtray. “Do you mind if I smoke?” I didn’t, and reached over behind me and snagged the seemingly last ashtray that had yet to be claimed. Not lighting up right away, Hage began maneuvering a small, tightly packed cigar between his fingers as he began telling me about his travel plans for the summer: Europe, Australia and all of Canada. There is so much to see, we agreed, and any city, town or far off countryside is as good as any to start with.

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Événements à venir
